Angelicum College was constructed under the idea of an educator's dream to have a school that breaks free from the traditional educational system. The concept of sustaining each student's academic and informational needs and shed the conventional idea of grading system was first thought of by Fr. Rogelio Alarcon, O.P. when he was still in elementary studying at Colegio de San Juan de Letran. He began to explore and expound his learnings with non-graded education by constructing comparative studies focusing on distinct education systems in the UST Graduate School.
As part of the users' education program and librarians' effort to instill lifelong learning to students of the UST Angelicum College, the library offers orientation and instruction lectures to learners and newly hired employees at the beginning of the Academic Year. The librarians will create and instruct learners and employees to familiarize themselves with the essential tools for learning and library services.